
Thursday, May 19, 2011

You can Stop using Microsoft.Passport.RPS for Live@EDU SSO

A year or ago I had written a site that used the Microsoft.Passport.RPS.dll to do a SSO Login to Live@EDU all done with "Microsoft Live@edu SSO 4.1". This week I started to port this to a .Net 4.0 Web Site using Forms Based Auth however any LiveRPS Class calls to Microsoft.Passport.RPS.dll version 5.5.4177.0 returns this error.

Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {01732742-D1A2-11D7-99EB-505054503030} failed due to the following error: 80040154 Class not registered (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80040154 (REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG)).

Server was Windows Server 2008 R2 with rps64.msi and could run the SSOPortal that ships with "Microsoft Live@edu SSO 4.1" sucessfully.

Digging into this error message I didn't find much, forums with hints that it was having trouble calling the 64bit dll. After looking for a hour or so I deiced that i would just find an updated version and try that of the rps64.msi that I orginally installed. No luck there either. I found references to a version "6.0.5286.0" of Microsoft.Passport.RPS but had no luck in obtaining a copy of it. 

I then looked for a newer version of the entire Windows LiveID SSO Kit but again had trouble finding a link to it. The solution was that I had to login to Service portal as the specific admin account for that domain. Then and only then could I act like I was signing up for the SSO Tool Kit and download "Microsoft Live@edu SSO 4.3" . The new 4.3 version doesn't even use the Microsoft.Passport.RPS.dll and works perfectly from ASP.Net 4.0. The LiveRPS class is just a URL link in SSO 4.3.

All and all I have everything working but it really shouldn't of taken the two hours to find the download and  solution from Microsoft.


  1. Sweet.. THANK YOU..

    Do you have the updated version of the kit you can e-mail me.. Looking for the latest webparts for live@edu windows 2008 R2 shpnt 2010
    Thanks again,

  2. Sorry I can not distribute Microsoft Tool Kit. Here are the steps to download it, and haven't been working on the Sharepoint 2010 webparts in a while. May dig that project up and update it.

    1. Login to the SMP: using the Admin Credentials.

    2. Click on Single Sign-On.

    3. Click on Download Live@edu SSO kit

    4. You may need to register if it is the first time you are going this page.

    5. Once you register you can click Downloads on the left hand side. You will find the file to download the SSO kit.


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