
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

ManageEngine's Password Manager Pro says Invalid License File

At work we use ManageEngine's Password Manager Pro to store any Sever and Application passwords. Without a doubt I would recommend it to anyone needs a password manager for a team or teams of people.

We recently had a issue where our Password Manager Pro didn't correctly read a valid license file. It would read the Company and a few other features however would fail to validate the rest of the file saying that it was an Invalid License File. After working with support they sent the following fix.

ManageEngine Password Manager Pro, Product Version 6.2.0

1. Stop the PMP server if it is running.
2. Go to \lib folder and take a back up of AdventNetLicense.xml, petinfo.dat and product.dat and store them outside the \lib folder.
3. Download the file from the following URL and extract it under \lib folder.

4. Ensure that AdventNetLicense.xml file is not present in the \lib folder.
5. Start the PMP server and apply your license XML file again.


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